Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The Scientific Evidence behind the use of N-acetylcarnosine Eyedrops

It’s all well and good stating that a product works, but what is really important is that statements such as these are backed up with scientific research that has been carried out using the most rigorous study protocols. Cataracts Drops meet this strict criterium.

The leading research in this area was carried out by Dr Mark Babizhayev and his team from the Moscow Helmholtz Research Institute of Eye Diseases. The researchers specifically examined the use of the ophthalmic formulation of N-acetylcarnosine (as found in Can-C Eyedrops) in cataract patients in order to establish whether or not using N-acetylcarnosine in such a way could actually obviate the need for these patients to undergo cataract surgery. The results were truly remarkable.

Dr Babizhayev and his colleagues established a controlled clinical trial that involved 110 eyes. The eyes were split into three groups:
  • 60 eyes received the N-acetylcarnosine eye drop treatment twice a day
  • 30 eyes formed a control group & were administered with a placebo eye drop
  • 20 eyes received no treatment whatsoever
All of the eyes were evaluated at the start of the study and then at 2 monthly intervals over a total period of 6 months. Incredibly, at the end of the 6 month trial period a staggering 96% of the treated eyes showed improvement. But even more exciting was the fact that those eyes that showed the greatest improvements were in those affected by the most common form of cataracts - age related cataracts (often referred to as senile cataract).

To understand just how incredible these results were, you have to put them into some sort of context. Up until this point, it had been thought that the only way to effectively treat cataracts was by surgery. No non-invasive treatments were available. The clinical trial results confirmed that at last there really was an effective, alternative, non-surgical option available for the treatments of cataracts.

The study also revealed a remarkable new phenomenon - the "melting snow" effect. This was the name given to the clearly visible breakdown of the damaged proteins that cause cataracts - even after only 1 month of treatment. The reversal process began at the periphery with the affected lenses which gradually became more and more transparent. As the growth of the cataracts was reversed, so vision improved.

Dr Babizhayev is now the guiding light behind Innovative Vision Products Inc which has patented and approved the N-acetylcarnosine formulation found in Can-C Eyedrops.

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